

Wallpapers, or background images, are a personal touch to our digital lifestyle. At One, we are more than a company, we are followers of Jesus Christ who are dedicated to spreading the Good News about the One. Jesus Christ alone is the One. He made this clear in John 14:6 when Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except by Me.” As encouragement for our mission, we designed wallpapers to use for our PC and for our mobile phones. These background images help serve as a reminder to who we serve, and what One is about. We want to share these images with you and hope they do the same for you.

Click on the button below to display the wallpaper at its full-size. From there, you can either download the image and then set it as your background image, or use your settings to set the image as your wallpaper.

Wallpapers for PC

Wallpapers for Mobile